Monday, March 03, 2008

Closed Doors...

Bang! Bang! Bang!
Have you heard the sound of door that closes? I believe every one of us have heard it. Many of us have been behind closed doors. Some of you are still behind one. Doors of guilt, doors of rejection, doors of hatred, doors of sickness, doors of broken relationships, doors of broken hopes and shattered dreams and the list never end.
You are shameful of the past and fearful of the future.
No joy. No peace. No hope. Closed Doors!!!
They are hard to deal and hard to heal. May be you tried to open them with your friends, with entertainment, with your soul mate, with your job, with your knowledge and you failed. (None of these keys suits)
I would like to turn your attention to a bunch of men who were behind a closed door. They lost their Hope. They were filled with fear. They were guilty.
Yes their King was crucified. Yes their loyalties were tested. Yes they ran from the One who was their Hope. They betrayed Him. They had a heavy heart. They couldn’t forgive themselves. They couldn’t face themselves. How could they face their Master?
Have you ever been there!
Roaring and bold like a lion Once, Scared of the roaring lion Now.
Running for God Once! Running from God Now!
Bang! Bang! Bang! And suddenly you are behind the Closed Door!

Lets come back to the those bunch of men behind the Closed door.
As they were there in behind the door, Jesus came in. The door was still closed. But Jesus still could come in. Not to condemn them, not to scare them (though they were scared), not to prove them they are guilty (though all was right to do), but to say “Peace be with you” or be at peace with God again because I taken away your sins!!
Today God enters your closed Door and pronounces these words to your trouble hearts “Peace be with you” because he is the Prince of peace.
No door can stop Jesus! Not even the door of Grave!!
Next time you see a closed door, let it remind you of the Carpenter who walks through it!!!

Let Him Talk


Blogger Nebeula said...

Good one! May God bless this writing to talk to many.

9:08 AM  

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