Monday, December 04, 2006

Kill it Before it Kills You...

I enjoy reading stories and enjoy much more in narrating them to my friends. Yesterday night I heard a story that opened my eyes to see my “self”. I thought I would share it with you all.

The arena was packed with people. It was a wrestling championship final. People became rambunctious and out of hand as the match entered the last round. At these final moments came the last blow from the 4 times champion that landed powerfully on the opponent. It was a blow of victory to one and a blow a defeat to another. It was a blow of pride. As the opponent collapsed on the ground, the 5th time champion was seated on the mountain of praise. After the celebrations were over, as the champion walked back to his room, he was interrupted by an old man.

“My son congratulations on yours success. You are a good fighter” said the old man. But one thing son the old man continued….Though you have won the championship for the 5th time you are still the second best fighter… he said these words he pointed out to a statue of a ancient fighter and said “He is the first and if he was alive now he would have broken your knees in just one blow……hmmm you’re the second best” Sharing his comments, the old man started walking. Thousands of praise that he had received a few moments ago vanished because of just one statement………As the old man started vanishing from the champions eyes his words got louder than ever in his ears.

That night as the heavy weight champion went to his bed with a heavy heart….he could not sleep. He got up and went to the arena driven by his pride…How could I be the second best he thought. As he came before the statue he started a monologue. Are you a great fighter? Come on fight me. You look like some clown in the circus and you want me to believe you are a best fighter. Have you ever seen me fight?
I am the champion ….I am the champion. Uhh would you break my knee…come on do it. As his volcano of pride started exploding, he caught hold of the knee of the statue and broke it. Alas!! The statue fell on him and killed him!!!!!!!!

Do you think that the statue killed him?? No, it was his pride that really killed him.
Yes my friends pride can kill us!! Pride is hard to diagnose. It is a silent killer.
In the beginning, it was a thought of pride that created the devil and today in your life a thought of pride can create a devil within you. But how can I be humble?? Can reading a book on humility break your pride?? Once someone asked me “What was the last book you read” “Humility” by Peter Wagner I said pride fully. Reading a book can never make you humble. But reviewing the Saviors life Will

Look at the Savior. The hands that shaped the universe wash the feet of the disciples. The Master becoming the Servant. Creator cleansing the creation’s feet. Can’t you hear his voice that says if anyone wants to be a greatest let him be a slave.
Look at Him. Learn from Him. Do you think you have no strength to do that? Lean on Him. He’ll help you… but Kill the pride before it kills you….

Let Him Talk


Anonymous Anonymous said...

very gud article... keep posting

8:54 PM  

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