Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Filled to Spill………..

I would like to bring to your focus a five letter word, which is everybody’s property. The proportions vary but the property is the same. It affects the person giving it and also the person receiving it. It never builds anything but breaks everything. It is so easy to give but hard to receive. It is easily kindled but hard to put down.
Any guess??…………. Ok let me give some more clues.
It is a strong expression of a weak character. ………..
Ok Ok I will tell u the answer... I can see u already yelling at me in ANGER……….yes the word I would like to bring to your focus is ANGER……

We always relate anger as a reaction to somebody else’s action…..well that’s not true. Let me explain that to you.

Take a glass and fill it with milk. Now tilt the glass. What happens?? (Question seems simple) Don’t be angry come on answer me……..Yes the milk spills down.
But why does milk spill out why not apple juice, stones, drainage water come out…..Come on don’t be angry answer me……..Well you are right…since the glass was filled with milk initially, it spills out milk when tilted.

It is true with ANGER….it is not because someone tilts your life you are angry but because you are filled with it. The word of God says “The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks.”

How true …whatever you store in your heart will come out. If you are filled with love no matter when others tilt, break, and push your life….all that will come out is love.
So whenever you get angry don’t say …bcoz he did that to me I got angry or bcoz they broke my heart I was angry but always remember that you ve still got anger that needs to be cleaned up.
Be filled with the love of God and u can only spill words and actions of love when you are treated badly….

Let HIM Talk


Blogger HIS son said...

Hi Friend,

The word of GOd says "Human anger does not produce the righteousness God desires." (James 1:20).

3:32 AM  
Blogger Nedu said...


Without Anger, I'm expressing my anger, sorry wishes (quite confused after reading about anger, especially after reading the questions posed by 'the oddist') for your passage on anger. Anger is the angriest thing in this world. So, let's not get angry for any angry actions done against us.

3:18 AM  
Blogger Nebeula said...

Its a wonderful thought. The best of all yr blogs. whenever i see a cup, i remember this now. THANK you!

6:29 AM  
Blogger Kingsly said...

Thanks for your encouraging comment.
Lets overflow...with His love..

11:16 PM  

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